Intake & Eligibility

Intake & Eligibility

Developmental Services

As you search for services that are the right fit for you and your family, it’s helpful to understand our intake process and eligibility criteria. Developmental Services offers a variety of wonderful programs and services created to support different needs and goals. Read more to learn about intake steps and eligibility.

Our Intake Process

As you search for services that are the right fit for you and your family, it’s helpful to understand our intake process. Developmental Services offers a variety of wonderful programs and services created to support different needs and goals.

Our experienced Intake Team works closely with individuals, families, and guardians through the application screening process.

1. An Intake Specialist describes all available service options, and explains your rights.

2. You meet with a Developmental Services Psychologist, who determines whether you meet the Clinical Eligibility Criteria.

3. If you are eligible for services?

4. If you are not eligible for services, an intake specialist will make referrals to other community resources that could be a good fit.

Are You Eligible for Developmental Disability Services?

Whether you’ve received support before, or you’re seeking support and services for the first time, it can be tricky to know where to start. Our experienced Developmental Services team works closely with each individual and family seeking support to help them through the eligibility process. At Community Care Network, there are three (?)  parts to determining eligibility:

To receive funding for developmental disabilities services, the Vermont Department of Health Access (DVHA) must determine an individual financially eligible for Vermont Medicaid. You learn more about Vermont Medicaid here.

For individuals who do not qualify for Vermont Medicaid funding, there is also an option to private-pay for services.

Developmental Services at Community Care Network is the Designated Agency for Rutland County. This means we determine an individual’s clinical eligibility for most services. To be clinically eligible for services with us, an individual must have a diagnosis of one of the following, based on a formal, professional evaluation:

• Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder

And must have both of the following:

• Significant deficits in adaptive function (such as social/emotional development, daily living skills, communication, and/or motor development), and

• Onset of the disability prior to age 18.

Special Services & Funding

Pre-admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Specialized Services

Individuals 18 years old and older who reside in a nursing facility may qualify for Specialized Services to meet their unique needs related to their developmental disability.  Staff provide additional personalized services not provided by the nursing facility to support the individual to engage in social, leisure, recreation, and other activities to function as independently as possible.  Specialized Services are limited to a maximum of 25 hours per week.

PASRR Specialized Services eligibility:

Targeted Case Management (TCM) is a Medicaid State Plan service that provides assessment, care planning, referral and monitoring.  Services are designed to assist adults and children to gain access to needed services.

• Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder

And must have both of the following:

• Significant deficits in adaptive function (such as social/emotional development, daily living skills, communication, and/or motor development), and

• Onset of the disability prior to age 18.

Family Managed Respite (FMR) provides families with a break from caring for their child with a disability, up to age 21.  FMR is available to children with developmental disabilities or mental health needs who do not receive HCBS funding.

FMR eligibility/access criteria:

  • Clinical: Individuals who meet the VT criteria for developmental disabilities or are eligible to receive services from Children’s Mental Health Services.
  • Financial: Vermont Medicaid eligible as determined by Department of Vermont Health Access.
  • Access Criteria:  FMR is available to children up to, but not including, age 21 who do not receive HCBS and who live with their biological/adoptive families or legal guardian.  FMR allocations are approved based on the intake and assessment process.  FMR funding can only be used for direct care provided by an employee hired by the family.  FMR funds cannot be used to purchase goods or items, pay for camp or to pay an organization, agency, or facility.

Flexible Family Funding (FFF) is available to families to support their child or adult family member with developmental disabilities to live at home.  The maximum allocation for each individual is $1000 per year and is income determined.  FFF may be used to purchase respite or goods to meet the individual’s and family’s needs but is not available to individuals who receive HCBS.